Section I

For Inactive Retired Clergy:  The Committee on Ministry may grant Inactive Retired status to a retired minister who applies for this status.  Inactive Retired Clergy continue to have Standing as clergy and continue to be listed in the Minister's Directories online and in the Year Book clergy section.  Inactive Retired Clergy are exempt from completing the annual Ministerial Standing Renewal Form, including all continuing education requirements. ONLY retired clergy who are no longer engaging in the practice of ministry on an occasional (preaching or presiding at weddings or funerals more than 4 times annually) basis may seek Standing as Inactive Retired Clergy. Please apply for Inactive Retired Clergy status using this form: Inactive Retired Clergy Standing Application.

We ask for emergency contact information in the event you are at the Christian Conference Center or another Regional event and a medical or other emergency event occurs.

Section II

The Regional Committee on Ministry cares about your health and wellbeing as an individual. We also care about the health of your ministry within and outside of your ministry site. The following questions invite you to reflect and respond.

Section III

Additional information on Professional Development and Continuing Education requirements and suggested activities to meet these requirements can be found here.

In order to maintain Standing with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Upper Midwest, each minister must complete the following hours of continuing education:

            Full Time  - 16 hours
            3/4 Time - 12 hours
            1/2 Time - 8 hours
            1/4 Time or less - 4 hours

Boundary Training

All clergy, except Inactive Retired Clergy, are required to complete Boundary Training regularly.  The Upper Midwest Region requires all new clergy to complete an initial course either at the time at which they enter into ministry or move to the Upper Midwest Region.  After completing their initial course, clergy are required to complete a refresher course in the years 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035, etc. For more information click here.

Anti-Racism/Pro-Reconciliation Experience

All clergy, except Inactive Retired Clergy, are required to complete an anti-racism or pro-reconciliation experience each year.  This experience must be at least one quarter of the total required continuing education hours for the 2024 calendar year.  (Required number of hours is pro-rated based on the clergy's Full Time Equivalent.  For example, .5 FTE requires 2 hours of anti-racism/pro-reconciliation experience.) For more information click here

List your continuing education hours for 2024.  Please list the number of hours for each training activity:

Section IV

Please describe your activities in the following groups:

Section V

All clergy with standing in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) are required to read, understand, and agree to abide by the following ministry documents:

  • Ministerial Code of Ethics
  • Congregational Code of Conduct
  • Regional Policy on Clergy Sexual and Ethical Conduct
  • Design of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
  • Policies and Criteria for the Order of Ministry

The above documents can be found by clicking here

Furthermore, all clergy with standing should understand that these are the operational documents for the Region's Committee on Ministry and are the documents used by the Executive Unit in determining ministerial standing.

Personal Disclosure Statement

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