2018 Regional Assembly
Registration Form
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Learn about the different types of software and hardware available for church use, from projection toaccounting. Bring your general tech questions to learn more about email, websites, blogs, and anythingelse you’re curious about!
It has been said that we are spiritual beings on a human journey. We want to stay aligned with God'sheart and will, and yet we often don't give time to nurture our spirits to be fully aware of God's livingpresence in us and in our world. At this workshop we will explore and experience spiritual practices tohelp us nurture our spirits.
Are you curious about what makes Disciples different? Come and learn about what Disciples hold mostdear! This workshop will give you an overview of where we came from and who we are.
Need some tips on simplifying your life and learning some good stewardship practices? This is the place!(fits individuals and congregations)
It’s time to break the rules about church leadership in order to hear and obey God with a sense of radical abandonment. Dare to let go of common and comfortable misconceptions and sacred cows to shoulder spiritual and prophetic leadership in our rapid-changing world.
Developing vision for service is best done when we truly understand our gifts in leadership. This session will guide participants to identify their strongest assets as leaders. Those who attend will leave with a renewed sense of self and tools to develop a more vibrant Church.
Come and find out how you and your congregation can be involved in this movement to overcomesystemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation and the war economy. This movement was originallystarted by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., renewed by Rev. Dr. William Barber II, and supported by our 2017General Assembly.
Join us for a presentation and discussion about the different ways we interpret and celebrate the story ofJesus, communion, baptism, and the power of being “a priesthood of all believers,” in all God’s gloriousdiversity.
Looking for a powerful program for “children’s church?” Children Worship & Wonder creates space andopportunity for children to experience God and the stories of God within a loving community. Thisworkshop will allow adults to experience Children Worship & Wonder and develop a plan for implementingit in their congregation.
What does your congregation’s budget say about your mission and ministry? Come and discover what a“Narrative Budget” looks like and what a difference it can make!
You hear God’s call to plant a church to change the world. After much prayer, make the important next step to bring clarity and action by developing a Master Plan. Learn essential elements for effective church planting.
Switching from a “needs-based” perspective of ministry to an “asset-based” perspective of ministry means engage the individual gifts of members across generations. This session will explore ways to bridge the gaps in our ministries. Worshiping, strategizing, serving, and playing are best done TOGETHER.