
Dr. Frank A. Thomas

Dr. Frank A. Thomas currently serves as the Director of the new Compelling Preaching Initiative and the Nettie Sweeney and Hugh Th. Miller Professor of Homiletics at Christian Theological Seminary, For many years, Thomas has also taught preaching to Doctoral and Master level students at McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago, Illinois; Memphis Theological Seminary in Memphis, Tennessee; and United Theological Seminary of Dayton, Ohio. Thomas served with distinction as the senior pastor for two remarkable congregations: New Faith Baptist Church of Matteson, Illinois; and Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church of Memphis, Tennessee, for eighteen years and thirteen years, respectively. He is the author of They Like to Never Quit Praisin’ God: The Role of Celebration In Preaching and How to Preach a Dangerous Sermon, among other works. Thomas and his wife Joyce Scott Thomas have two adult children, Anthony William and Rachel Dickerson (Milton) and one granddaughter, August Elise Dickerson.

Rev. Sam Ramirez

Rev. Sam Ramirez is married to Karina Ramirez and is father to Isaac and Jacob Ramirez. He is a graduate of Claremont School of Theology and Certificate for Ministry Studies (CMS). He has pastored Sun Valley City Church for 15 years and has served as the convencion’s moderator. He has also served in the Pacific Southwest Region in a variety of leadership roles. He has served as the Obra Hispana’s moderator as well as with other general ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Rev. Bekah Krevens

Rev. Bekah Krevens has been serving as the Senior Pastor of Foothills Christian Church in Phoenix, Arizona, since 2015. Previously, she served churches in Texas and Kentucky. She holds degrees from Bethany College and Brite Divinity School, and soon after her ordination, she completed a certificate in Ecumenical Studies at the Bossey Ecumenical Institute, a program of the World Council of Churches in Geneva, Switzerland. Bekah and her husband, Frank, have three daughters. In her free time, she enjoys painting and being outdoors.

Rev. Dr. Miseon Choi

Rev. Dr. Miseon Choi is an ordained pastor in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). She earned her Ph.D. in Practical Theology, Spiritual Formation, and Religious Education from Claremont School of Theology, a M.Div. from McCormick Theological Seminary, and a B.A. in Christian Education and Theology from Hanshin University in South Korea. Choi is a NAPAD (North American Pacific/Asian Disciples) Language Access Coordinator and a Youth/Young Adults Ministry Coordinator in the Pacific Southwest Region. She is a NAPAD Representative in the International Disciples Women Ministry. She also serves at the First Christian Church of Burbank as the Youth Pastor.

Rev. Jorge “Joey” Cotto

Rev. Jorge “Joey” Cotto is an ordained minister of the Christian Church (DOC) in Florida. Currently he serves as pastor of Central Christian Church in Coral Gables Fl. a bilingual and multicultural ministry. He is also a Coach for new church planters through New Church Ministry (DOC). He holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Puerto Rico and a Masters of Divinity from the Center of Theological Studies in Florida. He is a freelance writer and a radio show host.

Monday, October 28

4:00 PM

Arrivals and Check-in

5:30 PM

Opening Session

6:00 PM


7:00 PM

Working Group Session 1: Introductions
Throughout the retreat, participants will meet in small working groups intended to foster relationships and provide space for learning and responding.

7:45 PM

Preaching and Music
Three preachers will offer short-form sermons in a variety of styles.

Samuel Ramirez
Sun Valley City Church, Sun Valley, CA

Bekah Krevens
Foothills Christian Church, Phoenix, AZ

Miseon Choi
First Christian Church, Burbank, CA

Tuesday, October 29

7:30 AM

Morning Prayer (optional)

8:00 AM


9:00 AM

Keynote Session: Dr. Frank A. Thomas

10:00 AM

Working Group Session 2: Keynote Response

11:00 AM


11:15 AM

Keynote Session: Dr. Frank A Thomas



1:00 PM

Workshops - A number of workshops will offer preachers an opportunity to learn practical skills and new approaches to preaching.

2:30 PM

Free Time - Participants are invited to use this time for rest, prayer, planning, or soul-feeding activities. Optional opportunities will be offered at the retreat center and beyond.

6:00 PM


7:00 PM

Preaching and Music - Two preachers will offer sermons in a variety of styles.

Jorge Cotto
Central Christian Church, Coral Gables, FL

8:30 PM

Firepit Gathering (optional)

Wednesday, October 30

7:30 AM

Morning Prayer (optional)

8:00 AM


9:00 AM

Working Group Session 3: Takeaways

10:30 AM


11:00 AM

Closing Worship

Frank A Thomas
Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, IN


Lunch and Departures

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